As per announcements by the government and the recent second lockdown, we are warned that Christmas this year will be different. As we went into lockdown it was a rule of 6 in some areas of the UK, while other areas were in Tier 2 and Tier 3 with much more strict rules.

Many of us are left worrying what Christmas might look like if they have larger families or are unable to see their families over the festive season.

Here at Elite Events ECL we think it’s important to think positively and have some plans in place to stay connected with your family at Christmas. There is no reason all the normal Christmas traditions cannot be completed with your family; they just need to be done differently.

Just because you may be apart, it doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected with your family at Christmas. In this blog post we have put together just some of the many ways that you can stay connected with your family at Christmas, and still experience that Christmas magic together.

How about a virtual Christmas Day? You all plan to have Christmas dinner at the same time, and open presents from each other over facetime, zoom or Microsoft teams? It will be different for everyone. However, you will still have the chance to see your loved ones open the gifts you give them, and you can enjoy a meal together too. The added bonus is that you don’t have to fight with your whole family for that last stuffing ball or put up with Granny’s watery gravy!

The run up to Christmas can be fun too. For example, we can offer some virtual Christmas events to make the run up to Christmas more magical. One example is a Harrods Gift Wrap workshop. You and your loved ones can log in and learn how to wrap all your Christmas presents to a very high standard; the Harrods standard! – Don’t forget not to wrap your loved ones presents in front of them though!

We can also manage and plan a Napkin Folding virtual event for you and your friends. Then on Christmas Day you can all show off the stunning napkin designs that are on your table at Christmas dinner. Maybe there could be a prize for the best napkin folding creation?

Used to having a family meal out the week before Christmas? It doesn’t need to be missed. In fact, it could be made better. We could run an online cookery session for you and your family. You all cook at the same time and then sit down and eat your meal together, virtually. You may find you want to change the night out in a busy restaurant to a virtual cookery class every year because it’s so much more fun!

Want to stay connected with your family at Christmas and keep spirits up as Christmas gets closer? How about a fun online event for friends and family? We have a wide array of fun online events we can offer. These include Drag Bingo, Interactive DJ event, a Virtual Pop Party, Quiz Night, Cocktail Evening and so much more.

You tell us what you and your loved ones enjoy, and we can do the rest for you.

Contact us now to discuss how you can stay connected with your family this Christmas. Like we said, it will be different – but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have an enjoyable, memorable and magical family Christmas.