Here at Elite ECL we have a lot of experience in project management. One of the ways we can help with project management is by supporting your principal designers in the planning journey. A principal designer is a person (s) that an organisation has appointed to plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety in the pre-construction phase. In doing so they must take account of relevant information (such as an existing health and safety file) that might affect design work carried out both before and after the construction phase has started

We can support your principal designers in the planning journey by taking account of additional and relevant information. This could include existing health and safety files for example. These are important documents that could impact the design work carried out both pre- and post-construction phase. However, with so much going on, they can often be missed without the right support in place.

Your principal designer will also be your main point of contact for all contractors and designers. On a busier site, this can mean a lot of people being in contact with your principal designer. This is once again where we can support your principal designers in the planning journey. We can manage contractor requirements and expectations. Our project managers can be another point of contact. We can help with the diary management and support meetings for your principal designers too.

Another part of the planning journey we can support your principal designer in is with communication. We will help to ensure that there are clear and well-used communication channels between all persons involved in the pre-construction please. This will ensure that all work is coordinated correctly, whenever required.

Throughout the pre-construction phase our project managers will work closely with the principal contractor and the principal designer to ensure that all parties are aware of any updates or risks. We can then support in these being controlled and managed during the construction of the project.

Need support for your principal designers throughout the planning journey? Contact our project management team now to find out exactly what we can do for you.