A question we are asked all the time is when people should start planning their Christmas party. Whenever we are asked, the answer is always the same. When should you start planning your Christmas party? Now!

In this blog post we look at when you should start planning your Christmas party and why.

There’s a reason we always respond with ‘now’. Mainly because people that had a Christmas party at a great venue last year will have already booked that venue for their Christmas party this year. Great venues aren’t always easy to find. When you find one, you want to get it booked straight away.

Venues often offer early-bird discounts to those that book their Christmas parties in advance. The sooner you book the venue for your Christmas party, it is likely you will save more too.

It’s not just the venues that get booked up early though. Suppliers and entertainers will get booked in advance too. If you want a DJ, magician or compere to entertain your guests, you need to get your booking in early. Want fancy table decorations, an incredible photo backdrop or a snow machine? This all needs to be booked in advance too. If you don’t book soon, someone else will.

Think about how busy you get over the Christmas period too. How quickly does your diary fill up with work drinks, neighbourhood parties, seeing family, school events and more? The sooner you get the Christmas party date sorted; the sooner people can block it out of their diaries.

You don’t need to get all the Christmas party planning sorted right now. However, we recommend you get your venue and suppliers sorted. You can choose the theme of the party and arrange transport or accommodation nearer the time. As long as you have the venue booked, you know the Christmas party can go ahead.

If you need help sourcing venues, booking suppliers or planning your Christmas party, call us. We are experienced Christmas party planners. We have the skills, knowledge and experience to ensure that you have the best Christmas party. Call us now to find out more.